Accessibility Statement
What is digital accessibility?
Digital accessibility is a set of rules and good practices which cover in particular functional, graphic, technical and editorial aspects. Monitoring these rules and good practices ensures that digital media are accessible to people in situations of difficulty. disability. An accessible site allows for example to:
- Customize their operating system and/or browser (making the text smaller or larger, changing the font, modifying the colors, pausing animations, etc.).
- Browse the website using assistive technology, such as a voice synthesizer or refreshable braille display.
- Browse the website without the mouse, using only the keyboard, switches, or via a touch screen.
- Consult videos and audio content by means of subtitles and/or transcripts.
Digital Accessibility Commitments
RGAA Compliance Status
This temporary statement applies to the "" website. A compliance audit has been carried out. Following initial feedback from the findings, we are currently implementing new ways to improve the accessibility of our website. This statement will be updated once this work is complete.
Statement Preparation
This statement was prepared on 09/04/2024.
Feedback and Contact Information
We are committed to meeting our accessibility targets and are working to improve some of these criteria. Have you encountered problems in accessing a service or content on our website or app? Do you have any suggestions for improvement? Please contact us and describe your problem in an email to the following address:
Formal Complaints
1. You have identified one or more violation(s) of the digital accessibility regulations (accessibility barriers, failure to comply with reporting obligations, etc.) on this website. 2. You have contacted us to let us know. 3. You have not received a satisfactory response. You then have the option to:
- Contact the Human Rights Advocate To exercise your rights concerning accessibility barriers that you have encountered, you can:
Either contact your regional representative via the directory of Human Rights Advocate representatives . Or fill out the Human Rights Advocate complaints form by selecting the option “I am a victim of discrimination” then “Private goods and services” and lastly, “Disability”. - Or mail a letter, free of charge (without adding a stamp) to the following address:
Défenseur des droits Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07